Good news coming in from the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is of the new born female calf; named Rhoda. She was born on 2nd August 2020 by Laloyo - her Mother. Rhoda is the second born to Laloyo, the first being Madam who was born in 2017.
With the birth of Rhoda, the sanctuary now boasts of a total number of 31 southern white rhinos, which can be seen whilst on a guided rhino trek offered to visitors by Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary to see the southern white rhinos in their natural habitat. The new born and the mother are said to be in good health and enjoying the sanctuary.
Southern white rhinos in Uganda can only be seen at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary.The sanctuary was established in the 1990s with the main focus of reintroducing and conserving rhinos in Uganda after they got extinct in 1983 due to the illicit human activities and civil unrest in the country.
Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is located approximately 180km north of Kampala in Nakasongola District along the Kampala – Gulu highway. A stopover at the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary whilst on your way to Murchison Falls National Park is handy as you get to see one of the 'Big Five'.
Currently, Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is partially open for visits though with strict guidelines under the Government Covid 19 protocols.